Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Are you suffering from symptoms such as anxiety/depression, lack of energy, lack of libido, sleeplessness, hair loss, poor memory, hot flashes, fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain, just to name a few?  We can help!

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

It shouldn’t be a surprise that as you get older, your hormone production starts to slow down. If you’re a woman, your estrogen and progesterone levels decline as you make your way toward menopause. This hormonal change can lead to many unpleasant symptoms. Did you know that hormone deficiencies can occur as early as your 20s, and that menopausal symptoms can begin in your 30s, 40s, or 50s? Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?

Hormone replacement therapy is a type of treatment that restores the level of hormones in your body when they are out of balance. Menopause is one of the main conditions that can cause your hormone levels to change.

If your hormone levels are in the postmenopausal range or not optimized for your age, you may experience uncomfortable symptoms that may affect your quality of life. These symptoms can affect the quality of your relationships, job performance, and mood as well. In addition to undesirable symptoms, research shows you may also be at increased risk for health conditions such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and even breast cancer.

This is where bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can balance a woman's own hormones that are low or out of balance. BHRT uses hormones that are identical to the hormones your body makes. Bioidentical hormones have identical molecular structure and physiological function as the hormones produced by the human body. Because BHRT has the ability to closely match the chemical makeup of your own hormones, this helps decrease unwanted side effects and gets you on your way to balancing your hormones so you can live your best life. Other types of hormone replacement therapy use animal-derived hormones to try to balance your hormones.

Research data shows that because Bioidentical Hormones are identical to your natural hormones, they are associated with lower risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, and are more effective than their synthetic and animal-derived counterparts! Evidence also supports that Bioidentical Hormone Replacement is the PREFERRED method for replacing hormone deficiency over that of conventional synthetic hormone replacement therapy because of its overall benefits to health.

How BHRT can benefit you

When you’re dealing with menopause and the uncomfortable symptoms that go along with it, hormone replacement therapy can really help. Research data shows that bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has several benefits, including:

1. Mimics your own natural hormones

BHRT is as close to your natural hormones as possible.

2. Improves your sexual experience

As you get older and your estrogen levels decrease, it often leads to vaginal dryness which can cause pain during sex. This can make you self-conscious about having sex or cause you to avoid it altogether. BHRT can restore estrogen levels and improve vaginal dryness.

3. Gives you stronger nails and hair

When your hormones dip below normal levels, it can impact your hair, nails, and bones, leading to problems such as brittle nails and hair loss. Bioidentical hormones increase your body’s production of proteins like collagen, which helps you look younger and restores the strength of both your nails and your hair.

4. Promotes a better night’s sleep

When your hormones aren’t at their normal levels, this interferes with your sleep cycle and not getting enough sleep can affect your mood. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy helps stabilize your hormones, which promotes better sleep and improved mood.

5. Decreases symptoms of menopause

Dropping levels of progesterone and estrogen lead to a lot of uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Hot flashes

  • Night sweats

  • Mood swings

  • Lack of energy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy helps to regulate these hormones and resolve those uncomfortable menopausal symptoms.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Optimized Sleep

Optimized Libido

Optimized Focus

Optimized Physique