The SEVHC New Patient Process

Patients anywhere in Southeastern USA can schedule an appointment
(Now accepting new patients in Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia!!)

What to Expect:

1. To start your journey of living your best balanced hormone life, schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn more about our SEVHC Best Balanced Hormone Programs.

2. Once you make the decision to purchase and enroll, you will be emailed a health assessment questionnaire to complete. During your first virtual visit, we will take a close examination of your health history and current medications.

3. Before you can start any treatment plan, we need to know your hormone levels and other related lab results. Any labs or tests needed for your program will be ordered and delivered to your home along with instructions for application. You can use Lab Corp or any other Lab if you choose, but there may be specific hormonal labs we will need which can be obtained in the comforts of your own home.

4. Once your lab results are available, you will have a second virtual visit with your practitioner to discuss the results of the labs and determine a course of action for your treatment.

5. Start the prescribed treatment plan. Over the course of your treatment, you will have monthly virtual check-ins to discuss your progress and modify or order additional labs/tests as necessary.

6. Upon completion of your treatment program, you will have a final virtual consultation and lab evaluation. Your practitioner will review your final results, address your progress made, and discuss ongoing treatment options. You will then have the opportunity to purchase the next program in your journey to living your best balanced hormone life.

*Cash/Cards only…Insurance Not Accepted.

SEVHC is an out-of-network provider and does not accept insurance payments. Receipts can be provided for patients to submit to insurance for potential reimbursement.

Best Balance Hormone Programs

Now Enrolling!


Now enrolling for January 2024 kickoff!!!

The Equilibrium Program
is designed to get you on your way to balancing your hormones and finding symptom relief so that you can be
living your best balanced hormone life.

This program is for YOU
if you are experiencing any of the classic symptoms of hormonal imbalance
such as: fatigue, hot flashes, night sweats,
vaginal dryness, menstrual problems,
insomnia, low libido, weight gain, anxiety,
irritability or depression.

Lab Evaluation

A comprehensive health profile may test:
Sex hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone),
Stress hormones/adrenal fatigue (cortisol, DHEA),
Thyroid panel (TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab, Tgbn)

You may not need all of these labs or you may need additional labs not mentioned.
This will be determined during your first virtual visit with your practitioner.


This 4 month program is designed to be an introduction for YOU to focus exclusively on getting your hormones back in equilibrium and alleviate unwanted symptoms.


The Optimum Program is for those who desire hormonal balance and also want the benefits of further optimization. This depends on any symptoms you may still have.

Lab Evaluation

In addition to labs included in the Momentum Program, the following may be tested:
Vitamin panel (B6, B12, D, Ferritin),
Kidney and Liver Function
and Blood Sugar (CMP),
Cardiometabolic profile
(T chol, LDL, HDL, TG, A1c, Insulin),
and Anemia Panel (CBC).

Nutritional Assessment

Conditions like joint pain, mood swings, chronic digestive symptoms,
high blood sugar, high cholesterol and
high blood pressure can all be
impacted by the foods you eat
and/or food digestion. You may have
weight loss goals or nutritional deficits.
An exercise and nutritional assessment and plan may assist in lifestyle modifications to keep you on track to a healthier YOU.


This 6 month program is for experiencing an optimal YOU! Fine-tuning your hormone levels and adding lifestyle modifications help you to continue living your best balanced hormone life.


YOU made it this far! Maintain your progress with the Momentum Program.
Preserve your new hormone balanced life
and safeguard the progress and lifestyle modifications you’ve made.

This program is for you if your hormone levels are balanced and you are not experiencing any unwanted symptoms, but want to make sure your new hormone balanced life continues.

Lab Evaluation

You will have repeat labs every 12-16 weeks to make sure your hormone levels are
within the desired range for your
ongoing maintenance treatment plan.
Based on your symptoms we may check:
Sex, Stress, and Thyroid hormone levels,
Vitamin D levels, and Metabolism.
We also recommend checking your
kidney and liver function and a
complete blood count.

Monthly check-ins and quarterly progress reports ensure that your hormones and overall wellness remain focused on your goals and objectives.


This continuous monthly VIP program
is designed for ongoing maintenance
of your already new YOU and
your best balanced hormone life.

  • Discounted Options offered: Save 10% when you pay for the complete program up front.